On NAMESPACE.GE you can receive a lots of services experienced in the global market
Free DNS service
Manage unlimited number of DNS records
User-Friendly Interface
User-Friendly Interface makes it easy to manage transactions related to the domain
Secure system
Our secured system ensures that your domain will always be UPTIME
Do you know which domain suits you?
What domain should you choose: domain in .GE zone or international domains? If your business operates in the Georgian market, then choose domain in the .GE zone, because Georgians automatically dial .ge after the domain name.
Is intended for general education institutions, schools and higher educational institutions. Use .edu.ge with your name and simplify the search on the Internet.
If you want to buy a domain for 12GEL instead of 30GEL or the domain you want is already occupied, then you can use the .com.ge zone.
Create an unique address into web for your school institution by using school name and .school.ge zone, for example n1.school.ge.
If you have a noncommercial organization and you want to expresses it in a domain, then use .org.ge domain zone
If you are a network provider, your business is connected with electronic communication and you want your visitors to understand it easily, then the .net.ge domain zone suites you.
If You are an private person, you can take domain name in the .pvt.ge zone.